About The Minney's
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The Minney's
On July 23, 1988 Christina Everidge and Paul Minney were married at the Richmond Dale Church of Christ in Christian Union. At the time, Chris was working for Burger King and then was hired at Sears in the display department and the whole time Paul was working for Petland Distribution Center in Chillicothe, Ohio. Paul finally convinced Chris to lease a Petland store, so in February 1991 Paul and Chris were New Boston, Ohio bound. We worked feverishly until Petland Corporation filed bankruptcy, so Paul and Chris were out of a job. On May 26, 1992 Chris gave birth to our first child (Casey)and we started working for the State of Ohio in the Department of Corrections. On September 25, 1995 Chris did that birth thing again and we had (Caitlin). In 1996 two major events took place, I felt the calling to go out on my own and start Paul Minney Ministries and we moved into a new home at 1316 Main Street, Richmond Dale, Ohio. In 1999, God revealed to me that I need to quit my current job and do more work for him. So I quit while Chris and I were on parents leave (for the birth of Clinton) from the State and I started driving a full time School Bus route and working as a student attendant for Southeastern Schools, that is where I have been since then and Chris is still at the State of Ohio.

The History or Story Behind My Site
The whole reason for this site is to inform anybody that would like to know about The Minney's and The Ministry that God Gave us!

Chris and I have had several friends over the years and really we have had good times with all of you. But as alot of people know Chas and Tracy have been our BEST FRIENDS forever and I would like to dedicate this part to their son Randy whom God saw fit to take home in January 17, 2002. Randy was just like one of my own kids and we really miss him, GOD has another rose now in heaven. I also have many groups and soloists that have been very dear to this ministry.

I'd love to hear from you!

My Favorite Scripture is found in Psalm 116, please read it!